We wish you a Merry Christmas and a good start for the New Year ahead! Your CeMEAS Team Photo: Redcorn Studios [Matt],352:366 – Christmas Scene,CC BY 2.0, https://flic.kr/p/dBRQKr
Year: 2014
Impressions of Tian'anmen Then and Now: Memories and Legacies
Tian’anmen Then and Now: Memories and Legacies on November 27, 2014 Thank you all for contributing to the success of our conference! Here are some visual impressions of “Tian’anmen Then and Now: Memories and Legacies” in Göttingen.
Summer Break
CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful and relaxing summer break! We will be back next semester with more exciting events and news to share with you right here! Photo: Moyan Brenn, Summer, CC BY 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/aigle_dore/7426883318/
The 6th East Asia Research Salon
The 6th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon Jun Chu “Urban citizenship, mobility and border regime. Contested social spaces of migrant workers in Shanghai.” Date: July 15, 2014, 6.15pm-7.30pm Place: CeMEAS-Meeting Room, KWZ-Building, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14 Abstract: The growing mass protests and movements of migrant workers in China have become a highly focused issue for years. (more…)
Lecture: Lord Yang - A God and His Special Role in Local Politics of Late Qing China (1840 - 1867)
Lecture: Lord Yang – A God and His Special Role in Local Politics of Late Qing China (1840 – 1867) Monday, July 14, 2014 2.15pm, KWZ Room 0.608 Prof. Dr. Lo Shih- chieh In early February 1855, a group of “local bandits” led by Qu Zhenhan occupied Yueqing city of Wenzhou prefecture for a…
Lecture: The Thinking of Chinese Higher Education Reform and Features of Internationalization Process
Reform and Internationalization of Higher Education in China Wednesday, July 9, 2014 2pm, Waldweg 26, Raum 6.103 Prof. Qiuheng Shi This lecture will focus on core issues of Chinese Higher Education reform and shed light on national strategies of modernization and internationalization. (more…)
Arbeitskreis Vormoderne japanische Literatur
14. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Vormoderne japanische Literatur zum Thema „Literatur und Ritual“ Ostasiatisches Seminar der Universität Göttingen (KWZ, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14) Fr., 27.06.2014,14:00 – So., 29.06.2014, ca.12:00 Organisation: Prof. Dr. Katja Triplett und Michaela Mross,M.A. / Anmeldung bis zum 15. Juni 2014 Wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund und Zielsetzung Die Entstehung, Tradierung und Rezeption von Texten allgemein werden in…
Lecture: Factors Shaping Migration Regime: The Case of Taiwan in Comparison to Japan and South Korea
Lecture: Factors Shaping Migration Regime: The Case of Taiwan in Comparison to Japan and South Korea Wednesday, July 9, 2014 2pm, OEC Room 0.168 Prof. Dr. Yen-Fen Tseng Investigating the linkages between migration and development, four major migration regimes have been identified by existing literature, each exhibiting distinct characteristics: Migration within the Europe Union; Contract…
The 5th East Asia Research Salon
The 5th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon Marina Schmitz “Preventing Labor Turnover of Blue Collar Workers in China – Tilting at Windmills?” Date: June 17, 2014, 6.15pm-7.30pm Place: CeMEAS-Meeting Room, KWZ-Building, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14 (more…)
Lecture: Sechs Jahre als Botschafter in China - eine persönliche Bestandsaufnahme
Lecture: Sechs Jahre als Botschafter in China – eine persönliche Bestandsaufnahme Thursday, June 19, 2014 6pm, KWZ Room 3.601 Dr. Michael Schaefer, Botschafter a.D. Dr. Michael Schaefer ist seit Juli 2013 Vorsitzender des Vorstands der BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt. Nach seinem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften trat er 1978 in den Auswärtigen Dienst ein und war…
Film meets Academia: Summer Palace
CeMEAS Double Feature: Film Meets Academia SUMMER PALACE 25 Jahre Tian‘anmen – Film Screening June 4th, 8pm, Lumière Cinema Geismar Landstraße 19 Anlässlich des 25. Jahrestages der Studentenproteste am Tian’anmen-Platz in Peking zeigt das CeMEAS in Kooperation mit dem Lumière den Film SUMMER PALACE. Nach der Vorführung gibt es ein Filmgespräch mit Henning Klöter,…
Lecture: Post - Orientalist Perceptions of Tibet between China and the West: Essentialization, Geopolitics and Topophilia
Lecture: Post – Orientalist Perceptions of Tibet between China and the West: Essentialization, Geopolitics and Topophilia Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12pm, VG. Room 2.101 Dr. Dan Smyer Yu The appearance of Tibet is unprecedentedly frequent in global discourses of humanitarian issues, climate changes, environmental conservation, peace-building, religion-science dialogue, social engagement of Buddhism, creative arts, and…