Lecture Series: China in a Global World 17.07.2015 – 31.12.2016 Philanthropy and civil society in China Dr. Andreas Fulda (School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham) Tuesday, December 8, 2015 , 6 pm, KWZ Room 0.606 Individual Power and the Politics of Welfare in China: Bringing Persons Back in Institutional Analysis Prof. Xiong…
Year: 2016
Christmas 2016
CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will be back next year with more exciting events and news to share with you right here! (more…)
Guqin Workshop Impressions
Guqin Workshop Impressions 哥廷根大学古琴清修班圆满结课 2016年11月25日 – 2016年11月27 (more…)
Summer Break

CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful and relaxing summer break! We will be back next semester with more exciting events and news to share with you right here! Photo: Khánh Hmoong, Sunrise @ Bàu Trắng, Phan Thiết, CC BY-NC 2.0, https://flic.kr/p/cNZNvb
Ausblicke-Vorlesungsreihe "Ostasiatische Philosophien" der Basisgruppe Philosophie
Ausblicke-Vorlesungsreihe “Ostasiatische Philosophie” der Basisgruppe Philosophie 26.04. (Di), 18 Uhr c.t., VG 1.103, Katja Triplett (Göttingen): “Menschlichkeit im konfuzianischen Denken”. 10.05. (Di), 18 Uhr c.t., VG 1.103, Sandra Ascher (Göttingen): “‘Das bist du!’ Philosophie im Hinduismus am Beispiel des Advaita Vedanta”. 27.05. (Fr), 18 Uhr c.t., [Ort TBA], Dominique Hertzer (Utting): “Wie wollen wir leben?…
CfA: SPIRIT Summer School
CfA: Summer School Göttingen, SPIRIT 2016 Beyond the City Limits: Rethinking New Religiosities in Asia The call for papers for the 2016 Spirit Summer School (July 18 – July 22) organized by Göttingen Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology (GISCA) Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), Göttingen Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS), Göttingen…
Prof. Lijie Fang, Guest Reseracher, 03. 2016
Dr. Lijie Fang was Associate Professor, and deputy director, at the Department of Social Policy, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She conducted research in Göttingen throughout March 2016. (more…)