Katja Triplett holds a doctorate in the Study of Religions, Japanese Linguistics and Anthropology from Marburg University, and was affiliated at CeMEAS until 2018. From 2012 – 2016 she was professor for the Study of Religions at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Göttingen. From 2007 – 2012 she held the rank of…
Year: 2017
Prof. Dr. Sarah Eaton, CeMEAS Director, 09.2014 - 09.2019

Sarah Eaton holds a Ph.D in Political Science from the University of Toronto (2011). Prior to arriving at Göttingen, she was an Associate Professor of Chinese Political Economy (2013-2014) at the University of Oxford’s School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Waterloo (2012-2013) and…
Dr. Julia Schneider, Department of East Asian Studies, 2014 - 2019
Julia Schneider studied classical sinology and musicology in Heidelberg, Berlin (HU) and Wien, including a stay abroad in Beijing. 2013 Julia Schneider finished her PhD thesis at the University of Ghent and the University of Göttingen. What are your main research interests? Nationalism and nationalist historiography, Chinese historiography and historical theory (late imperial and Republican…
Qinqin Peng, Doctoral Student, since 2014

I studied Chinese literature and language in Nanjing. In 2013 I finished my Master in Theory of Literature and Art. Currently I am a doctoral candidate at the Department of East Asian Studies and my research focuses on Chinese Buddhism and Buddhist History. What are your main research interests? My research interests lie primarily in…
Wong Tsz, Doctoral Student, 2012 - 2017
What are your main research interests? Among my various research interests, I would say my main interests would be comparative musicology, ethnomusicology, cultural studies and translation studies. What are your current projects? My current research project deals with the very early musical encountering between China and Europe in 16th century; where Jesuit missionaries, led by…
Dr. Alanna Krolikowski, Guest Researcher, 08.2016-07.2017

Alanna Krolikowski was a visiting professor of modern Chinese society and economy in the Institute for Sociology and Department of East Asian Studies. She was previously a postdoctoral Princeton-Harvard China and the World Fellow at Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. Dr. Krolikowski is revising a book manuscript on China-U.S. trade and in…
Dr. Nellie Chu, Guest Researcher, 04.2016-03.2017

Nellie Chu holds a PhD from the University of California, Santa Cruz (2014). As a cultural anthropologist she engaged in postdoctoral research at the transregional research network CETREN (2014-2016) and was affiliated at CeMEAS. Where did you study? What did you study? In which field are you working in? etc. I received my Ph.D. degree…
Dr. Deng Jun, Guest Researcher, 04.2016-09.2016

Deng Jun(邓军)received a doctoral degree in Chinese Intellectual History from East China Normal University in 2013. She was a post-doctoral scholar at School of Marxism, Shanghai Jiaotong University. She conducted research in Göttingen University from May to September 2016. Where did you study? What did you study? In which field are you working in? etc.…
CeMEAS Lecture Series
The central concern of our lecture series is the reflection of China’s rise and its consequences for the world as well as China’s homeland affairs.
Chinese New Year
CeMEAS wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year! 鸡年将至。CeMEAS祝各位新春快乐,吉祥如意,万事大吉,年年有余,岁岁平安。 (more…)