CeMEAS Event Highlights 2018
Year: 2018
Recent Publications: Labour research under coercive authoritarianism

Daniel Fuchs (University of Göttingen) Patricia Fuk-Ying Tse (University of Warwick) Xiaojun Feng (University of Oxford)
CeMEAS Conversations: Todd Hall

CeMEAS Conversations: What Makes a Superpower: New Perspectives on China’s Rise
CeMEAS Conversations: Harriet Evans

Voices of Struggle: LGBTQ and Feminist Activism in China and Beyond
CeMEAS Conversations: Li Maizi

Voices of Struggle: LGBTQ and Feminist Activism in China and Beyond We are honored to present Maizi Li as part of our CeMEAS Conversations. In our video she discusses the role of social media for queer/feminist activism in China, censorship and state control as well as the significance of China’s MeToo movement. Our video…
CeMEAS Conversations: Bao Hongwei

Voices of Struggle: LGBTQ and Feminist Activism in China and Beyond
Recent Publications: Global Entanglements of a Man Who Never Traveled

Global Entanglements of a Man Who Never Traveled: A Seventeenth-Century Chinese Christian and His Conflicted Worlds