Sovereignty, Natural law and the Ironies of Decolonization: India and the Tokyo Trial
Year: 2018
CeMEAS Conversations: Prof. Ge Zhaoguang 葛兆光

How did China become a modern nation-state? Exploring China’s response to modern challenges from the angle of historiography and religion
Lecture Series 2018: What Makes a Superpower? New Perspectives on China's Rise

What Makes a Superpower? New Perspectives on China’s Rise
Dr. Dr. Dominique Hertzer, Guest Reseacher, 05.2017- 04.2019

Dr. Phil. Dr. rer. med. Hertzer supported the teaching within the Department for East Asian Studies for some years. She usually offered a “Daoismus” course each Summer semester which is integrated in the teaching program. Main research interests: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Philosophical Practice, Yijing, Daoism Monographs: Das alte und das neue Yijing: Text…
Best wishes for the Chinese New Year

CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful Year of the Dog! 狗年将至。CeMEAS祝各位新春快乐,吉祥如意,万事大吉,年年有余,岁岁平安。 Image: Da Puglet, Happy Chinese New Year. CC BY-SA 2.0.