Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research Sascha Klotzbücher (University of Göttingen) Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research Since 2016, the Chinese Communist Party proclaimed the strategy of “military-civil fusion” (军民融合) (Kania 2019) or “dual-use for military and civil purposes” (军民两用) of research.…
Month: August 2020
Yingming Theater Journal - Issue 9

Yingming Theater Journal – Issue 9 Yingming Theater Issue 9 Author: Dr. Yumin Ao Previous issues and further information can be found here. Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors…