Lecture: Factors Shaping Migration Regime: The Case of Taiwan in Comparison to Japan and South Korea Wednesday, July 9, 2014 2pm, OEC Room 0.168 Prof. Dr. Yen-Fen Tseng Investigating the linkages between migration and development, four major migration regimes have been identified by existing literature, each exhibiting distinct characteristics: Migration within the Europe Union; Contract…
Category: CeMEAS Lecture Series
Lecture: Sechs Jahre als Botschafter in China - eine persönliche Bestandsaufnahme
Lecture: Sechs Jahre als Botschafter in China – eine persönliche Bestandsaufnahme Thursday, June 19, 2014 6pm, KWZ Room 3.601 Dr. Michael Schaefer, Botschafter a.D. Dr. Michael Schaefer ist seit Juli 2013 Vorsitzender des Vorstands der BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt. Nach seinem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften trat er 1978 in den Auswärtigen Dienst ein und war…
Lecture: Post - Orientalist Perceptions of Tibet between China and the West: Essentialization, Geopolitics and Topophilia
Lecture: Post – Orientalist Perceptions of Tibet between China and the West: Essentialization, Geopolitics and Topophilia Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12pm, VG. Room 2.101 Dr. Dan Smyer Yu The appearance of Tibet is unprecedentedly frequent in global discourses of humanitarian issues, climate changes, environmental conservation, peace-building, religion-science dialogue, social engagement of Buddhism, creative arts, and…
Lecture: Agency - Driven Secularization & Chinese Experiments in Multiple Modernities
Lecture: Agency – Driven Secularization & Chinese Experiments in Multiple Modernities Thursday, June 5, 2014 6 – 7.30pm, KWZ 0.610 Fenggang Yang (Purdue University)
Lecture: Chinese Multinationals going Global: Strategies and Challenges
Lecture: Chinese Multinationals going Global: Strategies and Challenges Thursday, June 12, 2014 4pm, Theologicum Hörsaal T01 Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer Over the past decade many Chinese enterprises have expanded their operations overseas and became substantive players in several industries and host countries. This talk will explore the strategies that these Chinese companies pursue to…
Lecture Series: Wie traditionell ist die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin wirklich?
Lecture: Wie traditionell ist die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin wirklich? Friday, May 23, 2014 2pm, KWZ, Room 0.608 Dr. phil. Dr. rer. med. Dominique Herzter “Chinesische Medizin ist ein großes Schatzhaus, das wir gründlich ans Licht holen und weiter entwickeln sollten” (Mao Zedong) Anders als die Bezeichnung „Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin “ (TCM) vermuten lässt, handelt es…
Lecture Series: Japan and the World of Islam, a transnational history of nationalism, modernism and empire
Lecture: Japan and the World of Islam, a transnational history of nationalism, modernism and empire Wednesday, May 21, 2014 6pm (s.t.), KWZ, Room 3.601 Prof. Selçuk Esenbel The Japanese interest in the “world of Islam” between 1868-1945 displays the history of nationalism, modernism, and empire from a global perspective at multiple levels. The little-known interaction…
Lecture Series: Developing security, securing development?
Lecture: Developing security, securing development? Chinese foreign policy, norms evolution and the challenges of security in Africa Thursday, May 8, 2014 2pm, Room VG 2.101 Dr. Daniel Large Deepening conflict in South Sudan is once again increasing interest in China’s role in the country, in neighboring Sudan and, more generally, China’s changing engagement with conflict…
Lecture Series: Language Planning of Chinese as a First/ Second/ Foreign Language in 21st Century Taiwan
Lecture: Language Planning of Chinese as a First/ Second/ Foreign Language in 21st Century Taiwan Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6pm (s.t.), Room KWZ 0.601 Prof. Dr. Chen- Cheng Chun (more…)
Lecture Series: Wahnsinn oder Weisheit?
LECTURE: Wahnsinn oder Weisheit? Eine chinesische Perspektive Friday, April 25, 2014 2pm, Room KWZ 0.608 Dr. phil. Dr. rer. med. Dominique Hertzer Was ist Vernunft? Der Wahnsinn aller. Was ist Wahnsinn? Die Vernunft des Einzelnen. Was nennt Ihr Wahrheit? Die Täuschung, die Jahrhunderte alt geworden. Was Täuschung? Die Wahrheit, die nur eine Minute gelebt.…
Lecture Series
LECTURE: Des Kaisers neue Kleider? Chinas Führungs- Rolle in den G20 Thursday, April 24, 2014 2pm, Room VG 2.101 Prof. Dr. Jörn – Carsten Gottwald (Ruhr – Universität Bochum) Der kontinuierliche Aufstieg der Volksrepublik China zu einer wirtschaftlichen und politischen „major power“ (Xi Jinping) hat zu einer breiten Debatte über eine chinesisch geprägte neue…
CeMEAS Lecture Series on Modern China 2014
CeMEAS Lecture Series on Modern China 2014 The central concern of this year’s lecture series is the reflection of China’s rise and its consequences for the world as well as China’s homeland affairs. Background is that despite the common notion of the Asian Century there are shortcomings in our understanding of the significance and character…