Dr. Qinqin Peng joined CeMEAS in July 2022. Since January 2022, she has been a post-doctoral research fellow at the East Asian Department of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. After studying Chinese literature and philosophy in Nanjing, she obtained her Ph.D. in 2021 for a dissertation titled “Between Faith and Truth: The Historiography of Buddhism in Modern China…
Category: News
Book Publication: Banking on Beijing - The Aims and Impacts of China's Overseas Development Program

Banking on Beijing: The Aims and Impacts of China’s Overseas Development Program April 2022 DOI: 10.1017/9781108564496 ISBN: 9781108474108 This book explains China’s transformation from ‘benefactor’ to ‘banker’ in its relationship with developing countries and traces the impacts of this change. China is now the lender of first resort for much of the developing world, but…
Recent Publications: Yingming Theater Journal Vol.16

Yingming Theater Journal – Volume 16 Editor: Dr. Yumin Ao Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors and columnists of the journal’s content are based in various countries and theatrical practices…
Recent Publications: Yingming Theater Journal Vol.15

Yingming Theater Journal – Volume 15 Editor: Dr. Yumin Ao Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors and columnists of the journal’s content are based in various countries and theatrical practices…
Discussion Forum: Global China Conversations

The Global China Conversations provide a 60-minute online discussion forum that fosters the exchange of ideas between research and practice. The Conversations are hosted by the Kiel Institute China Initiative in cooperation with the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS) at the University of Göttingen, KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zürich, and Wildau Technical…
CeMEAS Conversations: Benjamin Creutzfeldt

China’s Relations with Latin America: Past, Present and a Challenging Future In this video, Benjamin Creutzfeldt discusses his research on China’s relationship with Latin America. Drawing on the history of Sino-Latin American Relations, he critically examines China’s recent engagement and its consequences for Latin America. He discusses China’s Belt and Road Initiative and developmental aid…
Global China Conversations: China in der Weltwirtschaft

Neue Online Diskussionsreihe: Global China Conversations Die Global China Conversations bieten ein einstündiges Online-Diskussionsforum, das den Austausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis fördert. Die Diskussionsreihe wird von der Kiel Institute China Initiative in Kooperation mit dem Center for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS) der Universität Göttingen, der KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle der ETH Zürich und der Technischen Hochschule Wildau veranstaltet.…
Kooperation auf Augenhöhe?
CeMEAS Mitglied Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier im Interview mit dem Leibniz Magazin Kooperation auf Augenhöhe? In vielen Feldern forscht China längst in der Weltspitze. Welche Rolle spielt das für seine Zukunftspläne – und die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ausland? Lesen sie den gesamten Artikel hier!
CeMEAS Conversations: Xu Yuanwei

The Changing Economics of Marriage: Sex Imbalance and Bride Price in China In this video, Xu Yuanwei discusses her latest research on China’s marriage market and changes in bride price development. She debates China’s one child policy as well as the implications of China’s unbalanced sex ratio for society and economy. Yuanwei Xu…
Yingming Theater Journal: Volume 13

Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors and columnists of the journal’s content are based in various countries and theatrical practices in different cultural contexts. All issues and further information are…
New Lecture Series: China's Economic Rise - Political Transformations in Asia and Beyond

China’s Economic Rise – Political Transformations in Asia and Beyond This lecture series is co-organized by the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen and the Kiel Institute China Initiative. Organizers: Andreas Fuchs & Anja Jetschke Contact: Katja Pessl, Centre for Modern East Asian Studies The Chinese Communist Party’s…
New video with CeMEAS Member Xiaohua Yu: China ends absolute poverty, a signature achievement for President Xi Jinping
China ends absolute poverty, a signature achievement for President Xi Jinping | Asian Insider EP51 This video has been posted by The Straits Times. China marked a milestone in its anti-poverty efforts this week, removing its last remaining counties from a list of poor regions. ST’s China correspondent Danson Cheong and University of Göttingen’s Dr…