Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors and columnists of the journal’s content are based in various countries and theatrical practices in different cultural contexts. All issues and further information are…
Category: News
Forschungsnetzwerk: Dialog mit China - Wie sich die Vorstellung einer Weltordnung entwickelt hat

Dialog mit China: Wie sich die Vorstellung einer Weltordnung entwickelt hat Universität Göttingen leitet Teilprojekt in neuem Forschungsnetzwerk (pug) Die Universität Göttingen ist Teil des neuen Forschungsnetzwerkes „Welterzeugung („worldmaking“) aus globaler Perspektive: Ein Dialog mit China“. Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier, Direktor des Ostasiatischen Seminars der Universität Göttingen, ist Co-Sprecher des Netzwerks und leitet das Teilprojekt…
Yingming Theater Journal - Issue 9

Yingming Theater Journal – Issue 9 Yingming Theater Issue 9 Author: Dr. Yumin Ao Previous issues and further information can be found here. Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and cross-cultural dialogue through theater. The contributors…
CeMEAS Summer Break 2020

CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful and relaxing summer break! We will be back next semester with more exciting events and news to share with you right here! Photo: Tambako, Cute red panda on the branch, CC BY-ND 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/tambako/49690787126/
First Radio Drama of the Yingming Theater

The radio drama Tough centers around an ordinary household in the city of Wuhan. It tells about the story of resentment and mutual support in the Li family during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. …. When the crisis comes, family is the bond, the hope, and the source of strength in life. Edition: The Chinese…
Yingming Theater Journal Vol.7 and Vol.8

CfP: Yingming Theater Journal – Issue 7 & 8 Yingming Theater Journal Vol. 7 Yingming Theater Journal Vol. 8 Author: Dr. Yumin Ao Previous issues and further information can be found here. Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity…
New CeMEAS Member: Feicheng Wang

Feicheng Wang joined the University of Göttingen as a postdoctoral research fellow in August 2017. He studied for a PhD from the University of Nottingham (UK and China campuses) and received his doctoral degree in Economics in 2017. Before that, he attended a postgraduate programme at Xiamen University and did his undergraduate study at Beijing…
Open Postdoc Position in Göttingen

Stellenanzeige: wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (/w/m/d) Einrichtung: Ostasiatisches Seminar (ID 14926) Ansprechpartner: Frau Thalea Nolte Besetzungsdatum: 01.10.2020 Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20.04.2020 Link: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/305402.html?cid=14926 An der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ist zum 01.10.2020 die Stelle als wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (/w/m/d) am Ostasiatischen Seminar (Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Sachsenmaier) mit der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit (zzt. 39,8 Stunden/Woche) befristet für die Dauer von 3 Jahren mit…
Yingming Theater Journal Vol.6

CfP: Yingming Theater Journal – Issue 6 in: Yingming Theater Journal (Issue 6) – 嘤鸣戏剧 Vol.6(1) Authors: Dr. Yumin Ao Previous issues and further information can be found here. Yingming Theater was founded by Dr. Yumin Ao, Oct. 2019. It is a non-profit online journal that focuses on intercultural theater, cultural diversity in theater, and…
Best Wishes for the New Year

CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful Year of the Rat! 鼠年将至。CeMEAS祝各位新春快乐,吉祥如意,万事大吉,年年有余,岁岁平安! Photo: Aimee Ray : Year of the Rat – Chinese zodiac pattern. https://flic.kr/p/2iaE7kg . Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
CeMEAS Conversations: Bart Dessein

“Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative” We are excited to present Bart Dessein as part of our CeMEAS Conversations. Our video series “Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative” was filmed on the sidelines of a workshop held…