“Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative” We are excited to present Fabienne Bossuyt as part of our CeMEAS Conversations. Our video series “Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative” was filmed on the sidelines of a workshop held…
Category: News
CeMEAS Conversations: Maryia Danilovich

CeMEAS Conversations: “Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative” We are excited to present Maryia Danilovich as part of our CeMEAS Conversations. Our video series “Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative” was filmed on the sidelines of a…
Ringvorlesung: Tier oder Tofu? Was isst die Zukunft?
Öffentliche Ringvorlesung: Tier oder Tofu? Was isst die Zukunft? Zeit: Wintersemester 2019/20, Dienstag 18.15 uhr Ort: Aula am Wilhelmsplatz Im Verlauf der letzten 50 Jahre ist der Konsum von Fleisch global rapide angestiegen, der Preis für Fleisch gleichzeitig stark gesunken. In Deutschland und einigen weiteren nordwesteuropäischen Ländern stagniert der Fleischkonsum allerdings seit wenigen Jahren. Neue…
Workshop & Public Panel: Towards a New Global Order?

Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
CeMEAS Lecture Series 2019: China's Green Transformation

Lecture Series 2019: China’s Green Transformation: Issues, Policies, Prospects Lectures: Anna Lora-Wainwright (University of Oxford): Environmental Activism in Rural China Lecture cancelled. Eva Sternfeld (Sino-German Agricultural Centre): Transforming China’s Agriculture and Food Sector – On Path to Sustainability? Monday, 06.05.2019, 4pm (c.t.) – 6 pm, KWZ 0.603 Li Hongtao 李红涛 (Zhejiang…
Highlights from Nacht des Wissens 2019

Sprachsalat und Fettnäpfchen: Chinese for children and grown-ups We are delighted and proud to announce that our Chinese language event was presented among the highlights of the “Night of Knowledge” (Vierte Nacht des Wissens) in Göttingen. A huge thank you to our wonderful team; without them this would not have been possible. Our event in…
CeMEAS Conversations: Todd Hall

CeMEAS Conversations: What Makes a Superpower: New Perspectives on China’s Rise
CeMEAS Conversations: Harriet Evans

Voices of Struggle: LGBTQ and Feminist Activism in China and Beyond