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Lecture Series 2018: The Senkaku Islands Dispute: A MacGruffin?
June 2018 @ 18:00 - 20:00
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Lecture Series 2018:
The Senkaku Islands Dispute: A MacGruffin?
Todd Hall (Oxford University)
Tuesday, June 5, 6pm (c.t.), Waldweg 9.102
Short Bio of the lecturer:
Prof Hall earned his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2008 and has held postdoctoral fellowships at Princeton and Harvard, as well as visiting scholar appointments at the Free University of Berlin, Tsinghua University in Beijing, and the University of Tokyo. Prior to joining the University of Oxford, Prof Hall held the position of Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Toronto (2010-2013). Research interests extend to the areas of international relations theory; the intersection of emotion, affect, and foreign policy; and Chinese foreign policy. Recent publications include articles in Asian Security, International Organization, International Security, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, Political Science Quarterly, and Security Studies. Prof Hall has also published a book with Cornell University Press, titled Emotional Diplomacy: Official Emotion on the International Stage, which was recently named co-recipient of the International Studies Association’s 2016 Diplomatic Studies Section Book Award.
Prof Hall’s research fields include:
Theorizing the role of emotions and affect in international politics.
The international relations of East Asia, with a specific focus on the foreign policy of China.
Information from Oxford University
Primary Organizer: CeMEAS
Co-Hosts: Department of East Asian Studies, Department of Political Science, Global and Transregional Studies Platform
Sponsors: Academic Confucius Institute (Qin Yaqing & Liu Kang), Department of East Asian Studies, Department of Political Science, CeMEAS
Design & Poster: CeMEAS
Image: Location of Senkaku Islands. Blue : Uotsuri-shima (魚釣島) / Diaoyu Dao (釣魚島) Yellow : Kuba-shima (久場島) / Huangwei Yu (黃尾嶼) Red : Taishō-tō (大正島) / Chiwei Yu (赤尾嶼).
Wikimedia Commons, Senkaku Diaoyu Tiaoyu Islands.png, CC BY-SA 3.0.