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Contemporary Theater Art Seminar Series 10: Writing new plays in China and the US
April 2022 @ 14:00 - 16:00
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Topic: Writing new plays in China and the US (and getting them produced) 在中国与美国的原创剧本写作和开发
Speaker: ZHU Yi
Time: April 20, Wednesday, New York 8:00 AM, Göttingen 2:00 PM, Beijing 8:00 PM
Zoom Meeting: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/98307551103
Meeting ID: 983 0755 1103
Language: English
Writing new plays in China and US 中美的青年编剧的写作环境
How does an aspiring young playwright “enter the industry”?
Do you write and submit? Or do you get commissioned and write?
When you write in your second language in a foreign country;
How much do you get paid as the playwright for the production of your play?
Can you make a living off writing?
How do the theater critics work?
How important are reviews to a playwright?
Getting your plays out in China and the US 中美的原创剧本的开发环境
How do you get your new plays produced?
How do the directors work with the playwright?
How do you get your plays published?
How does the industry discover new plays/talents?
From page to stage, how long does it usually take?
Do China and the US have different tastes in new plays?
What kind of plays are popular in both countries? (And how to write those?)
Short Bio
ZHU Yi is an NYC-based playwright and screenwriter, born and raised in Shanghai. MFA in playwriting, Columbia University. BA in Theater and Film Literature, Nanjing University. She is a member of Ma-Yi Writers Lab, and the Royal Court Theatre’s International Playwrights Programme; an alumnus of New York Theatre Workshop’s Emerging Artist Fellowship, Ensemble Studio Theatre’s Obie Award-winning playwrights group Youngblood, and Clubbed Thumb’s Emerging Writers Group. She is a guest lecturer at Nanjing University. Her stage plays include You Never Touched the Dirt (Clubbed Thumb, NYC; Edinburgh International Festival), I Am a Moon (Drum Tower West Theater, Beijing; National Performing Arts Center of China), How Time Flies (National Theatre of China), A Deal (Urban Stages, NYC; Chippen Theater, Sydney), Holy Crab! (Wellspring Theater, Taipei; Círculo de Tiza, Monterrey), Apene i Himalaya (Hålogaland Teater, Tromsø), I Know You (National Theater of Ireland), among others. Apolitical Romance, a feature film she co-wrote, received a nomination for Best Narrative Feature at the 2013 Taipei Film Festival.
朱宜,上海出生长大,常住纽约。哥伦比亚大学戏剧编剧硕士,南京大学戏文本科。获2015全球泛华青年剧本创作竞赛一等奖。获上海戏剧谷壹戏剧大赏“2015年度菁英编剧”奖。获纽约戏剧工作坊新锐艺术家基金。获美国斯隆基金会的科学戏剧委托创作基金。纽约Ma-Yi剧院编剧团体成员。英国皇家宫廷剧院国际编剧项目成员。美国戏剧家协会会员。曾任纽约Ensemble Studio Theatre驻场编剧。南京大学文学院客座教师。
作品有话剧《长生》、《我是月亮》、《Holy Crab!异乡记》、《特洛马克》、《杂音》、《世外》、电影《对面的女孩杀过来》等,曾在爱丁堡国际艺术节、国家大剧院、中国国家话剧院-中国原创话剧邀请展、上海大剧院、上海话剧艺术中心、国话先锋剧场、外百老汇、圣路易斯莎士比亚戏剧节、北京青戏节、台湾戏曲中心、台湾水源剧场、挪威北极剧院、纽约亚洲电影节、台北电影节、台北金马影展、布宜诺斯艾利斯影展、福冈电影节、夏威夷电影节、意大利乌迪内远东电影节、西班牙大西洋影展、北京独立影展、台北国际纪录片影展等公演公映。剧本集《我是月亮》(译林出版社)。