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  The 15th CEA (Europe) and 34th CEA (UK) 2023 Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in a Changing Era: China and the World

Historical Building of the State and University Library Göttingen Pauliner Church - Lecture Hall Am Papendiek 17, Göttingen, Germany

The 15th CEA (Europe) and 34th CEA (UK) 2023 Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in a Changing Era: China and the World   Co-organizers: CEA Europe/UK, University of Göttingen Date: 14-16 July 2023 14 July:  preconference workshop “Sustainable Food System” Venue:  University of Göttingen, Germany Local Organizers: Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, University of Göttingen Centre …

Education and democracy in modern China

KWZ 0.602

Abstract: Institutional change in education and the cultivation of a qualified citizenry were two sides of the same coin of developing democratic education in modern China. At stake is to understand how democratic education filled a critical role in bridging the gap between democratic ideals and political realities. This lecture will focus on teachings of …

Examples of research methods in the history of German Sinology / 德国汉学史研究方法举隅

KWZ 0.608

17. 07, 16:00 - 18:00 KWZ 0.608 Abstract: 德国汉学从一开始就不局限于某一领域,今天对它的历史梳理,也必然是在历史学、语文学、人类学、自然科学等其他学科的理论和方法的参与下进行,这同时也体现了德国汉学史研究的活力和多样性。李雪涛教授以德国汉学史为例,指出近年来汉学史研究的范式,已经从之前的"内部论"(internalist)或"谱系式"(genealogical)的历史思考方式,转变为了将汉学研究的现象、事件与进程置于"全球脉络"中予以分析,从而形成了一种真正的跨文化全球史研究。 Speaker: Prof. Li is an expert among other topics on the history of Western China Studies and will address recent central questions of the development of China Studies in the West applying a global history perspective. The lecture will be held in Chinese.

Global China Conversations #24 Global Gateway und die Belt and Road: Eine Nachhaltige Alternative?


Thema Chinas neue Seidenstraße steht international in der Kritik: Unter Ihrem Dach werden neue Kohlekraftwerke errichten und Geld an Staaten verliehen, die längst hoch verschuldet sind. 2021 reagiert die EU: Mit der Global Gateway Initiative will sie eine werte-basierte Alternative bieten. Es sind knapp 300 Milliarden Euro bis 2027 für „nachhaltige und hochwertige Projekte, die …

Global China Conversations #25 Diversifizierung: Kann Indien eine Alternative zu China sein?


Thema Eine alternde Bevölkerung, strukturell schwächeres Wachstum in China und der generelle De-Risking-Tonus lenken alle Augen auf Indien: Während Chinas arbeitsfähige Bevölkerung schrumpft, wird die Indiens wachsen. Investoren sehen in der relativen wirtschaftlichen Autonomie des Landes die Möglichkeit, sich gegen die Auswirkungen einer drohenden, globalen Rezession der international vernetzten Wirtschaft besser zu sichern. Für deutsche …

How the Wild Changed Me. A Philosophical Journey: Readings and Discussions with Lung Ying-Tai

ZHG 002

26 October (Thursday), 19:15 - 20:45 ZHG 002   Abstract: Snail sex, demanding deities, a cold case - everyday life in Taiwan holds the most unbelievable stories in store. Lung Ying-Tai compiled them in her novel  "Under Kavulungan." In conversation with Dominic Sachsenmaier and Monika Li, Taiwan's most famous author explores the complex answers to …

“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series No. 20: The Force of Mortality and Urban Villages Futurism of Butterfly Island 蝴蝶岛死亡力与城中村未来主义


Speaker: Sun Xiaoxing Venue: Zoom 686 4710 3798 Time: Nov. 16th, 2023. 13: 00 CET / 20: 00 Beijing Time Language: Chinese with English translation Abstract: The dramaturgy Sun Xiaoxing will base his analysis of the tragic nature and multiple futures presented in “Butterfly Island” on his article “The Force of Mortality and Urban Villages Futurism of The …

Global China Conversations #26 The Chinese Anti-espionage Law: What Risks for Companies and the Scientific Community?


Topic Security concerns have become a priority issue for many countries around the world. In China, this has manifested itself in a “holistic view of national security”—a phrase now directly invoked in the new Anti-Espionage Law that encompasses a broad understanding of national security and emphasizes vigilance against security risks in all areas. The Anti-Espionage …

Fan Xin (Cambridge): Emotions as Politics: Rethinking Chinese Nationalism

Theologicum (Theol) 0.135

4. Dec. (Monday), 17:15 - 18:45 Theologicum (Theol) 0.135 Abstract: The rise of the history of emotions has been a recent development in historiography. In the field of Chinese studies, scholars such as Eugenia Lean, Haiyan Lee, Chen Li, and Zuo Ya have been writing about how emotions, feelings, and sentiments contributed to the formation and transformation …

Global China Conversations #27: Zukunft der Technologiestandards: Deutschland und China im Wettbewerb?


Thema Die Zukunft der globalen Wirtschaft wird maßgeblich vom Wettbewerb um Technologiestandards geprägt. Chinas Einfluss bei der Festlegung von globalen Technologiestandards ist zu einem bedeutenden Faktor geworden. Innerhalb verschiedener internationaler Gremien verstärkt China seine Präsenz und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gestaltung von Standards für wegweisende Technologien. Der Plan „China Standards 2035“ ist ein …