Lecture: Nationalism and the Crisis of Modernity
Presenter: Prasenjit Duara Date: June 3, 6-8 pm (CEST) Join Zoom Meeting: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/97494889145?pwd=SlN6bGhJWUF4dUVObUJFaW4vM282QT09 Meeting ID: 974 9488 9145 Passcode: 269109 This lecture is presented within the framework …
Online Script Reading: Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land
Online Script Reading: Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land Online script reading No. 39 hosted by Ying Ming Theater Play: Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land, written by Stan Lai (Chinese: 赖声川) …
Wochen der Hoffnung – Die Pekinger Studentenbewegung
Wochen der Hoffnung – Die Pekinger Studentenbewegung 2.-31.Mai 1989“ Erlebnisbericht von Helmut Opletal 8. Juni 2021, 16:00 - 18:00 (CET) Zoom-Link: https://s.gwdg.de/5tnkdO Anfang Mai 1989 fuhr Helmut Opletal im Auftrag …
Lecture: China’s Ambitions in East Asia: Implications for Security and Stability
ZoomTuesday, June 15, 4pm-6pm (CET) Helena Legarda Senior analyst, Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies, Berlin Zoom link: https://s.gwdg.de/MQZZWW Image by Tofeiku. License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:South_China_Sea_-_Sulu_Sea_Simpang_Mengayau.jpg
The 17th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon
100 Years of CCP History - 100 Jahre KPCh History in three keys: The Cultural Revolution as event, memory, and theory Research Salon & Discussion Time: June 22, 2021, 6-8 …
Shouxin Kuaile 收信快乐 Love Letters
A Monological & Digital Theater Produced by Ying Ming Theater in Göttingen, Germany 数字剧场独白剧,德国哥廷根嘤鸣剧社出品 The innocence and ignorance of youth is a poem as it may seem and a mystery as …
2-Day Public Panel: Conceptualizing Planetary Humanities
YoutubeConceptualizing Planetary Humanities A Public Panel (Two Parts) This public panel is part of a workshop hosted by Bo Strath, John Noyes & Dominic Sachsenmaier. It will discuss some …
100 Years of CCP History – 100 Jahre KPCh Ist die Ära Xi Jinping das Ende der Geschichte der KPCh oder: Wie Xi Jinping die Parteigeschichte umschreibt
100 Years of CCP History - 100 Jahre KPCh Ist die Ära Xi Jinping das Ende der Geschichte der KPCh oder: Wie Xi Jinping die Parteigeschichte umschreibt. Vortrag & Podiumsdiskussion …
Lecture: Most Dangerous Place on Earth? External and Internal Threats to Taiwan’s Security
Tuesday, July 6, 4pm-6pm (CET) Dr. Hermann Halbeisen Lehrstuhl für Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte der Universität zu Köln Zoom link: https://s.gwdg.de/MnBRfe Image by Tofeiku. License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:South_China_Sea_-_Sulu_Sea_Simpang_Mengayau.jpg
Weiyena – Ein Heimatfilm
Weiyena - Ein Heimatfilm Filmvorführung & Gespräch mit den Regisseurinnen 7. Juli, 2021 18:00 - 21:00 Zoom Link: https://s.gwdg.de/AQMM6q Zwei Familiengeschichten, ein Jahrhundert und zwei Metropolen verschmelzen in einer Person: …
Virtual Theater Project
China Topography 2021 is a virtual theater project conceptualized by Prof. Dr. Li Yinan, which includes The Peach Blossom Land, The River, Relics, The Escape, and News Broadcast. Prof. Sebastian Kaiser and students at the …
Lecture: The Inter-State Order of Post-Tang East Asia
Presenter: Nicolas Tackett Time: July 15, 3-5pm CEST Zoom link: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/93717896257 Meeting ID: 937 1789 6257 Abstract: Whereas a few decades ago, the pre-twentieth century "Chinese World Order" was …