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Global China Conversations #6 40 Years of Poverty Reduction in China: What are the Challenges?
40 Years of Poverty Reduction in China: What are the Challenges? Speaker Branko Milanovic, Senior Scholar, Stone Center on Socio-economic Inequality at the City University of New York …
Lecture: Federico Brusadelli: Self-government (zizhi) in China from the late Qing to the Republic: a contested concept in the search for political modernity
Self-government (zizhi) in China from the late Qing to the Republic: a contested concept in the search for political modernity Federico Brusadelli University of Naples “L’Orientale” Jan 28, …
Meet Our Authors Lecture Series: Chinese Studies under the Eyes of the Communist Party?
Chinese Studies under the Eyes of the Communist Party? Self-censorship, Embedded Research and Ways to Discuss our Positionalities This lecture is part of the lecture series "TALK TO …