Digital Lecture: Hingenommen und Vergessen. Die “Asiatische” Grippepandemie 1957/58 (Prof. Hartmut Berghoff)
This lecture is part of the Digital Lecture Series "Resilienzen – Über den Umgang des Menschen mit Pandemien und anderen Katastrophen in der Geschichte". Please click here for more information on this lecture series.
Online Drama Reading: 亨里克·约翰·易卜生《群鬼》Henrik Johan Ibsen, Ghosts
QQ亨里克·约翰·易卜生《群鬼》Henrik Johan Ibsen, Ghosts Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00 30. May 2020 Place: Online (QQ Group: 335030419) E-mail: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via QQ audio calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. As the subject of Ghosts includes religion, venereal disease, incest, and euthanasia, it immediately …
Virtuelle Ringvorlesung: Resilienzen – Über den Umgang des Menschen mit Pandemien und anderen Katastrophen in der Geschichte
StudIP & YoutubeZu der Vorlesungsreihe tragen viele Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus dem Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte, dem Institut für Historische Landesforschung, dem Althistorischen Seminar, dem Seminar für Klassische Philologie, dem Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, dem Ostasiatischen Seminar und dem Center für Modern Indian Studies bei und berichten vielfach aus ihren aktuell laufenden Forschungen Die …
Virtuelle Ringvorlesung – Ein Virus verändert die Welt
Zoom & YoutubeJeden Dienstag um 18.15 Uhr und damit zu unserer regulären Ringvorlesungs-Zeit laden wir Sie zu unserem Ringvorlesungs-Live-Stream ein. In den kommenden Wochen wird es dabei um verschiedene Themen gehen. Mit einem informativen und anschaulichen Vortrag präsentieren unsere Referent*innen in einem rund 20-minütigen Vortrag ihre Themen. Anschließend haben Sie für weitere 10 Minuten die Gelegenheit, miteinander …
Online Drama Reading: 白峰溪《风雨故人来》Fengxi BAI, Friends through Thick and Thin
QQ白峰溪《风雨故人来》Fengxi BAI, Friends through Thick and Thin Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00 13. June 2020 Place: Online (QQ Group: 335030419) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via QQ audio calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. When people face the intractable situation that they need to make …
Online Drama Reading: 孟京辉《两只狗的生活意见》Jinghui MENG, The Life Comments of Two Dogs
孟京辉《两只狗的生活意见》Jinghui MENG, The Life Comments of Two Dogs Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00 27. June 2020 Place: Online (QQ Group: 335030419) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via QQ audio calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. Two dogs enter the city from the countryside in search …
First Drama Workshop of the Yingming Theater
The Yingming theater is going to have its first Drama Workshop in August. Focus: Cross-cultural Communication Format: Playback Theater Language: English/Chinese/German Platform: Zoom Meeting Room (TBA) Date: TBA Who can participate in this workshop? If you are curious about the theatrical forms of playback, such as “Fluid sculptures”, “Pairs”, “Chorus”, “Free form”, “Snap shot” and …
The 15th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon
ZoomThe 15th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Closer to the self while far from home: A longitudinal study about the experiences of students from People's Republic of China in Germany Please RSVP for the event via Ms Kara Blumenthal at Presenter: Lili Jiang (University of Göttingen, Department of East Asian Studies) Commentators: Dr. …
Online Drama Reading: The Umbrella in Salzburg
苏叔阳《萨尔茨堡的雨伞》Shuyang SU, The Umbrella in Salzburg Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00 11. July 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:696 443 903 ) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. The derailment seems to be the uppermost factor …
Online Lecture: Affective pedagogic spaces in contemporary China
Lecturer: Gil Hizi (PhD University of Sydney) Time: 14. July. 2020, 6:00 p.m. Venue: Zoom Through the influence of psychotherapeutic expertise and popular entertainment, pedagogic programs for “self-improvement” in China today define positive affect as a key aspect of learning. In this talk, based on participant observations in the city of Jinan, I describe …
Lecture: Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research
Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research Sascha Klotzbücher (University of Göttingen) Time: July 15, 2020 5pm Venue: Zoom-Meeting Meeting-ID: 935 9750 7671 Passwort: 404190 Abstract Since 2016, the Chinese Communist Party proclaimed the strategy of “military-civil fusion” of research (Kania 2019) (军民融合). However, this cooperation between military academies …
CeMEAS Summer Break 2020
CeMEAS wishes you a wonderful and relaxing summer break! We will be back next semester with more exciting events and news to share with you right here! Photo: Tambako, Cute red panda on the branch, CC BY-ND 2.0,