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Online Drama Reading: 童道明《塞纳河少女的面模》Daoming TONG, The Facial Mask of Seine Maiden


童道明《塞纳河少女的面模》Daoming TONG, The Facial Mask of Seine Maiden Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00  25. July 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:349 101 546) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. The Facial Mask of Seine Maiden was …

Online Drama Reading: 潘惠森《在天台上冥想的蜘蛛》Weisum Poon, Spider in Meditation


潘惠森《在天台上冥想的蜘蛛》Weisum Poon, Spider in Meditation Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00  07. August 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:338 885 111) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. In this crowded city, Hong Kong, buildings are nestled against …

Online Drama Reading: 陈尹莹《花近高楼》Joanna CHAN, The Whirligig of Time


陈尹莹《花近高楼》Joanna CHAN, The Whirligig of Time Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00  21. August 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:338 885 111) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. When you see the Chinese title of the drama, …

Online Drama Reading: 顾雷《进化》Lei GU, Evolution


顾雷《进化》Lei GU, Evolution Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00  12. September 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:518 226 916) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. According to Stanford Encyclopedia, evolution means the changes in the proportions of …

Workshop: The Sound Topography of Göttingen (SOTO-Gö) 哥廷根声音地貌

Göttingen University Campus

Workshop: The Sound Topography of Göttingen (SOTO-Gö) 哥廷根声音地貌 September 19, 2020       Dr. Yumin Ao Global and Transregional Studies Platform, University of Göttingen Centre for Modern East Asian Studies, University of Göttingen For  more information regarding the workshop and registration, please see the webpage of Yingming Theater:  The Sound Topography of Göttingen …

Online Drama Reading: 朱宜《杂音》Yi ZHU, A Deal


朱宜《杂音》Yi ZHU, A Deal Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00  26. September 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:979 386 357) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. What will happen if Chinese parents would like to buy an …

The 16th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon

The Shifting Relationship between Classics and History: Constructing Historical Continuity in Republican China     Presenter: Felix Erdt (University of Göttingen, Department of East Asian Studies) Commentators: Prof. Viren Murthy (Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Dr. Phil. Dr. rer. Med. Dominique Hertzer (Guest Researcher at the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies, University …

Video: Fractured Mirror: New Revolutionary History (新革命史) and the Search for China’s Future

The online presentation "Fractured Mirror: New Revolutionary History (新革命史) and the Search for China’s Future" of Prof. Dr. Timothy Cheek from University of British Columbia is now here available on youtube. Conference Keynote of "Whither China?", October 1st, 2020 “Whither China?” requires, of course, a clear sense of “whence China?” Chinese historiography over …

Zoom Lecture: Fractured Mirror: New Revolutionary History (新革命史) and the Search for China’s Future

Fractured Mirror: New Revolutionary History (新革命史) and the Search for China’s Future           Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Timothy Cheek (University of British Columbia) Time: Thursday, October 1st, 2020,  5.15 p.m. Central European Summer Time (Berlin) Zoom: Co-oganized by the Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology (University of Vienna) & the Centre for …

Online Drama Reading: 约翰·洛根《红色》John Logan, Red


约翰·洛根《红色》John Logan, Red Time: 14: 00 - 17: 00 24. October 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:877 506 987) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. "There is only one thing I fear in life, my friend... One …

China und Deutschland in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Vergangenheit und Zukunft

China und Deutschland in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Vergangenheit und Zukunft In der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit hat sich Chinas Rolle global gewandelt – vom Empfängerland westlicher Unterstützung zu einem wichtigen Geberstaat in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika. 2014 begannen Deutschland und China eine strategische Partnerschaft zu pflegen. Damit änderte sich die Beziehung der Länder grundsätzlich. Wie schlägt sich dieser Wandel …

Online Drama Reading: 席勒《阴谋与爱情》Friedrich Schiller, Intrigue and Love


席勒《阴谋与爱情》Friedrich Schiller, Intrigue and Love Time: 14: 00 - 16: 00 14. November 2020 Place: Online (VooV Meeting ID:567 436 316) Email: Manner: Participants will read dramas and do some role-play exercises together via video or voice calls. Being an auditor is also welcome. This play shows Ferdinand von Walter, son of an aristocrat, …