Changing Perceptions of World Order in Chinese Historiography: Three Phases of Development/C
VG 2.1038. June (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: "Changing Perceptions of World Order in Chinese Historiography: Three Phases of Development": This talk takes a longue-durée perspective to examine and analyze …
Vom Dichter zum Zeugen: Der Schriftsteller und Dissident Liao Yiwu
KWZ 0.60221. Juni 2023, 18 h c.t. KWZ 0.602 Der Nachwuchslyriker Liao Yiwu kam nach dem 4. Juni 1989 wegen zweier Gedichte für vier Jahre ins Gefängnis, wo er sich vom …
Global China Conversations #22 Deutsche Forschungskooperationen: Wissen Schaffen für oder mit China?
ZoomThema Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit China wirft zahlreiche Fragen und Herausforderungen auf. Transparenz und Offenheit bei der Zusammenarbeit, insbesondere in Bezug auf den Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Daten, sind zunächst …
The Wandering Earth and China’s Construction of an Alternative Cosmopolitanism
VG 2.10329. June (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: As an epoch-making event in the history of the Chinese sci-fi film industry, The Wandering Earth boasts the extraordinary acting skills of cinema superstars …
Film Screening: Songs of Abdul
KWZ 0.610New series of film screenings - Beyond Borders: Visions of Central Asia Save the dates for our "Visions of Central Asia" series, where we delve into the landscapes, traditions, and …
Before China Studies: Private Foundations and Cold War Politics in Colonial Hong Kong
VG 2.1036. July (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: The founding of the University Service Centre in Hong Kong in 1963 was a significant event in the development of …
Confucius as a Cosmopolitan: Thought and Practice
KWZ 0.60107. July, 14:00-16:00 KWZ 0.601 Abstract: Based on the Analects and other texts related to Confucius in classical period and taken "cosmopolitanism," a concept with long history in the Western tradition …
Hegelian Master Narratives and Periodizing Japanese and Chinese Modernity
OEC 0.16811. July, 16:00 - 18:00 OEC. 0.168 Abstract: Scholars of Asian studies have something of a love-hate relationship with Hegel; they love to cite him as the epitome of Eurocentrism, …
Transnational Knowledge Transfers Between China, Europe, and the United States: Actors, Institutions, and Dynamics, 1924-1935
VG 2.10313. July (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Overview The two talks of this joint session interrogate processes of knowledge transfer between China, the United States, and Europe during …
The 15th CEA (Europe) and 34th CEA (UK) 2023 Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in a Changing Era: China and the World
Historical Building of the State and University Library Göttingen Pauliner Church - Lecture Hall Am Papendiek 17, Göttingen, GermanyThe 15th CEA (Europe) and 34th CEA (UK) 2023 Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in a Changing Era: China and the World Co-organizers: CEA Europe/UK, University of Göttingen Date: 14-16 July …
Education and democracy in modern China
KWZ 0.602Abstract: Institutional change in education and the cultivation of a qualified citizenry were two sides of the same coin of developing democratic education in modern China. At stake is to …
Examples of research methods in the history of German Sinology / 德国汉学史研究方法举隅
KWZ 0.60817. 07, 16:00 - 18:00 KWZ 0.608 Abstract: 德国汉学从一开始就不局限于某一领域,今天对它的历史梳理,也必然是在历史学、语文学、人类学、自然科学等其他学科的理论和方法的参与下进行,这同时也体现了德国汉学史研究的活力和多样性。李雪涛教授以德国汉学史为例,指出近年来汉学史研究的范式,已经从之前的"内部论"(internalist)或"谱系式"(genealogical)的历史思考方式,转变为了将汉学研究的现象、事件与进程置于"全球脉络"中予以分析,从而形成了一种真正的跨文化全球史研究。 Speaker: Prof. Li is an expert among other topics on the history of Western China Studies and will address recent central …