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The 12th East Asia Research Salon

Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Theorizing the Current Global Order in the Era of Globalization, Regional Integration and the Resurgence of Nationalism:
Global China, Regional EU, and National US?
Xiao (Alvin) Yang, University of Kassel
Tuesday, 16.01.2018, 18:00 (c.t.) – 20:00

Past Event Highlights

In the past winter term CeMEAS has organized the Lecture Series "Social Policy in China: Retrospect and Prospect" and co-organized the OAS Film Cycle "Periphery at the Centre: China’ s Borders and Frontiers". In September we organized an international workshop "Manchu in Global History:A Research Language for Qing Historians".   We are looking forward to …

Film Screening: The VaChina Monologues


Fan Popo’s 2013 short documentary explores how ‘The Vagina Monologues’ (1996), the iconic yet controversial play by Eve Ensler, has become an empowering tool for feminist and women’s groups all over China.

Lecture Series 2018: Chinese Exceptionalism: A Research Agenda

VG Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Lecture Series 2018: Chinese Exceptionalism: A Research Agenda Liu Kang (Duke University) Tuesday, April 24, 6pm (c.t.), VG 3.103 Abstract: This lecture explores the emergent Chinese exceptionalism in order to search for a possible research agenda from interdisciplinary approaches. It will focus on modern times from Mao to the present, especially the ideological formations of …

Lecture Series 2018: China and International Order: What Order? Which Order?

VG Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Lecture Series 2018: China and International Order: What Order? Which Order? Alastair Iain Johnston (Harvard University) Tuesday, May 15, 6pm (c.t.), VG 3.103 Abstract: The discourse about China's challenge to the liberal world order assumes that such an order exists. This talk argues that there are instead multiple orders in different arenas (military, trade, finance, …

Lecture: Citizenship & Bureaucracy in China

waldweg waldweg 26, Gӧttingen

Articulating Authoritatian Citizenship in China Diana Fu (University of Toronto) Evaluating the Bureaucracy in China and the US Greg Distelhorst (MIT)  Wednesday, May 16, 17:00-19:30, Waldweg -1.201   Short Bio: Diana Fu: Diana Fu is an assistant professor of Asian Politics. Her research examines the relationship between popular contention, state power, and civil society in …

Lecture: Historical Evolution and Future Trend of China’s Agricultural Policy

VG Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, 37073 Göttingen, Germany

Lecture: Historical Evolution and Future Trend of China's Agricultural Policy     Dr. Xingqing Ye (The Development Research Center of State Council of China) Time: 10:00-12:00, May 22 Venue: VG 4105 Short CV: Dr. Xingqing Ye is currently Director-General of the Research Department of Rural Economy of the Development Research Center of the State Council …