Guest Lecture: The Making of Merchants – War, Local Government, and Commercial Organization in Chongqing from 1750 to 1950
Oec. 1.162Guest Lecture The Making of Merchants - War, Local Government, and Commercial Organization in Chongqing from 1750 to 1950 Wednesday, June 8, 2016 · 12:15 pm · Oec 1.162 Prof. Maura Dykstra Caltech Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences This lecture explores the formation, development, and expansion of merchant groups in the inland commercial …
Guest Lecture: Revolution Comes to East: colonial modernity, national subjectivity and subaltern everydayness
KWZ 0.602Guest Lecture Revolution Comes to East: Colonial Modernity, National Subjectivity and Subaltern Everydayness Monday, June 13, 2016 · 6pm (c.t.) KWZ 0.602 Prof. Jie-Hyun Lim Sogang University Asianization, Africanization or Latin Americanization of Marxism involves more than a mere transposition of Marxian ideas to non-European countries. When revolution came to East, events contradicted the ideology. …
Guest Lecture: Kafka in China – Rezeptionsgeschichte eines Klassikers der Moderne
Käte-Hamburger-Weg 6, KHW 0.111Guest Lecture Kafka in China - Rezeptionsgeschichte eines Klassikers der Moderne Prof. Dr. Ren Weidong, Beijing Foreign Studies University Wednesday, June 15, 2 pm, Käte-Hamburger-Weg 6, KHW 0.111 Die Rezeption Kafkas als eines Autors der modernen deutschsprachigen Literatur und der literarischen Moderne überhaupt erfolgt in China vor dem Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzung mit der "westlichen" und …
Guest Lecture: Buddhismus im Heutigen China
VG 3.108Guest Lecture Buddhismus im Heutigen China Prof. Dr. Li Xuetao, Beijing Foreign Studies University Wednesday, June 15, 4 pm, VG 3.108 Vom 22. bis 23. April 2016 fand die nationale Religionskonferenz in Beijing statt, an der Vertreter verschiedener Religionen teilnahmen. Auf dieser Konferenz hielt der chinesische Staatspräsident Xi Jinping eine wichtige Rede. Meister Xuecheng, Präsident …
Guest Lecture: Buddhismus im Heutigen China
VG 3.108Guest Lecture Buddhismus im Heutigen China Prof. Dr. Li Xuetao, Beijing Foreign Studies University Wednesday, June 15, 4 pm, VG 3.108 Vom 22. bis 23. April 2016 fand die nationale Religionskonferenz in Beijing statt, an der Vertreter verschiedener Religionen teilnahmen. Auf dieser Konferenz hielt der chinesische Staatspräsident Xi Jinping eine wichtige Rede. Meister Xuecheng, Präsident …
Guest Lecture and Roundtable Discussion – Prof. Prasenjit Duara
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ)Guest Lecture and Roundtable Discussion Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence: The Long View from Asia Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Prasenjit Duara, Duke University Wednesday June 22, 18:00-20:00 0.602 KWZ The rise of Asia and China in particular has been accompanied by the need to project a new, more just vision of the world …
Guest Lecture and Roundtable Discussion – Prof. Prasenjit Duara
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ)Guest Lecture and Roundtable Discussion Sustainability and the Crisis of Transcendence: The Long View from Asia Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Prasenjit Duara, Duke University Wednesday June 22, 18:00-20:00 0.602 KWZ The rise of Asia and China in particular has been accompanied by the need to project a new, more just vision of the world …
CeMEAS Lecture: The Realization of One Belt One Road?
Oec 1.163 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, Göttingen, GermanyCeMEAS Lecture The Realization of One Belt One Road? Wednesday June 29, 2016 · 4 pm (c.t.) · Oec 1.163 Dr. Chun-Yi Lee, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Nottingham The One Belt One Road (OBOR) project initiated by the President Xi Jing Ping, took shape in March 2015. It is envisaged to connect …
CeMEAS Lecture: The Realization of One Belt One Road?
Oec 1.163 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, Göttingen, GermanyCeMEAS Lecture The Realization of One Belt One Road? Wednesday June 29, 2016 · 4 pm (c.t.) · Oec 1.163 Dr. Chun-Yi Lee, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Nottingham The One Belt One Road (OBOR) project initiated by the President Xi Jing Ping, took shape in March 2015. It is envisaged to connect …
Guest Lecture: Common Elements of an Axial Age? Comparative Perspectives on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ)Guest Lecture Common Elements of an Axial Age? Comparative Perspectives on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt Wednesday July 6, 2016 · 4 pm (c.t.) · KWZ 0.608 Prof. Mu-Chou Poo, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong In this lecture Prof. Poo re-examines the theory of the Axial Age by first investigating the …
Guest Lecture: Common Elements of an Axial Age? Comparative Perspectives on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ)Guest Lecture Common Elements of an Axial Age? Comparative Perspectives on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt Wednesday July 6, 2016 · 4 pm (c.t.) · KWZ 0.608 Prof. Mu-Chou Poo, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong In this lecture Prof. Poo re-examines the theory of the Axial Age by first investigating the …
Guest Lecture: Chinese Humanities in the Global Era
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ)Guest Lecture Chinese Humanities in the Global Era Wednesday July 6, 2016 · 6 pm (c.t.) · KWZ 0.602 Prof. Hsiung Ping-Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Term “Humanities” is often used in reference to disciplinary academic humanities: a modern, institutional subject. That its development is usually a product (or byproduct) of cultural …