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The Rule of Law in the PRC Workshop

Library of the Institute of International and European Law Blauer Turm, 13th Floor, Lecture room , Room Nr. 13.122 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Workshop The Rule of Law in the People’s Republic of China: Statements, Realities and Insights (Göttingen, October 5, 2016) October 5, 2016 · Blauer Turm, 13th Floor, Room 13.122 Library of the Institute of International and European LawPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen Program Participants & Abstracts Papers Useful Information The Rule of Law …

The Rule of Law in the PRC Workshop

Library of the Institute of International and European Law Blauer Turm, 13th Floor, Lecture room , Room Nr. 13.122 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Workshop The Rule of Law in the People’s Republic of China: Statements, Realities and Insights (Göttingen, October 5, 2016) October 5, 2016 · Blauer Turm, 13th Floor, Room 13.122 Library of the Institute of International and European LawPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen Program Participants & Abstracts Papers Useful Information The Rule of Law …

Lecture: How China Escaped the Poverty Trap

Verfügungsgebäude 3.101 University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany

CeMEAS Lecture Series:  How China Escaped the Poverty Trap Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016 · 6 pm, VG 3.101 Yuen Yuen Ang, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan   Please pay attention: this Lecture is cancelled. Before markets opened in 1978, China was an impoverished planned economy governed by a Maoist bureaucracy. In just …

Lecture: How China Escaped the Poverty Trap

Verfügungsgebäude 3.101 University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany

CeMEAS Lecture Series:  How China Escaped the Poverty Trap Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016 · 6 pm, VG 3.101 Yuen Yuen Ang, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan   Please pay attention: this Lecture is cancelled. Before markets opened in 1978, China was an impoverished planned economy governed by a Maoist bureaucracy. In just …

Film Cycle: Food is People’s Heaven

Film Series: Food is People's Heaven 民以食为天 Wedensday, 4pm (c.t.) KWZ 1.601 Lecturer: Katja Pessl The Film Series at the Department of East Asian Studies provides an engaging and flexible study experience, intended to introduce students to a wide scope of East Asian films. Each semester features a specific topic with 6-7 screenings and provides …

Film Cycle: Food is People’s Heaven

Film Series: Food is People's Heaven 民以食为天 Wedensday, 4pm (c.t.) KWZ 1.601 Lecturer: Katja Pessl The Film Series at the Department of East Asian Studies provides an engaging and flexible study experience, intended to introduce students to a wide scope of East Asian films. Each semester features a specific topic with 6-7 screenings and provides …

Lecture: Confucian Role Ethics: A Challenge to the Ideology of Individualism

Zentrales Hörsaal Gebäude ZHG 002 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Lecture Akademisches Konfuzius-Institut Göttingen presents: Confucian Role Ethics: A Challenge to the Ideology of Individualism Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 · 4 pm, ZHG 003 Roger T. Ames, Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University In the introduction of Chinese philosophy and culture into the Western academy, we have tended to theorize and conceptualize this antique tradition …

Lecture: Confucian Role Ethics: A Challenge to the Ideology of Individualism

Zentrales Hörsaal Gebäude ZHG 002 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Lecture Akademisches Konfuzius-Institut Göttingen presents: Confucian Role Ethics: A Challenge to the Ideology of Individualism Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016 · 4 pm, ZHG 003 Roger T. Ames, Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University In the introduction of Chinese philosophy and culture into the Western academy, we have tended to theorize and conceptualize this antique tradition …

Lecture: Religion in Modern China

Lecture Religion in Modern China Monday, Nov. 21, 2016  6 pm (c.t.) - 8 pm, KWZ 1.601 Professor Li Tiangang 李天纲 Department of Religious Studies, Fudan University Does China have its own religion? Is Confucianism a religion? How is the religious situation in contemporary China? These questions should be answered not only through the discussions …

Lecture: Religion in Modern China

Lecture Religion in Modern China Monday, Nov. 21, 2016  6 pm (c.t.) - 8 pm, KWZ 1.601 Professor Li Tiangang 李天纲 Department of Religious Studies, Fudan University Does China have its own religion? Is Confucianism a religion? How is the religious situation in contemporary China? These questions should be answered not only through the discussions …

Guqin Workshop

Guqin Workshop 哥廷根大学古琴清修班 古琴清修班        2016年11月25日 - 2016年11月27, KWZ 0.609 + 0.610 (報名已截止) 古琴讲座 山河逸响:民国山西琴人传 2016年11月29日,星期二, KWZ 2.739 , 18:00 – 20:00 张德恒,山西大学文学院 首届古琴清修班结业雅集 2016年12月02,星期五, KWZ 0.606 , 18:00 - 20:00   琴为华夏雅乐,历史悠久,影响深巨。琴之用,在移情淑性、澄虑净心,曲律谐和、高雅脱俗,数千年礼乐文明,数万里唐尧故地,古琴之音,绵延萦回,经久不坠。 中国山西元音琴社应哥廷根幽谷琴社,现代东亚研究中心(CeMEAS)之诚邀,将于二零一六年十一月二十五日至二十七日来访传琴授学,弘昌雅乐。此次清修班面向有志雅乐,热爱古琴艺术和中国传统文化,可无古琴或音乐基础的学员。 此次清休班授课内容包括:古琴琴史概述,识读古琴譜,右手八法,散音、泛音、按音以及初级曲目《我和你》、《静夜思》、《仙翁操》。除此之外,还对学员开设古琴相关文化课程:传统茶艺简介。 此外,山西大学文学院张德恒亦应邀于二零一六年十一月二十九日举行讲座介绍其作品:《山河逸响:民国山西琴人传》。此书收集了101位民国山西琴人的生平资料,并择取其中26位做了传记介绍,再现民国琴人雅致生活、仙骨般的精神世界。此书亦是近现代以来山西第一部古琴史著作,虽为地域性极强的山西范围,却足以展示民国时期中国琴界及琴人的状况。 最后,二零一六年十二月二日是首届古琴清修班结业雅集。 让我们在悠悠琴韵中相会,共同领略琴之雅,乐之美。     主办 Organizers: 赞助 Sponsors and Facilitators: Musikinstrumentensammlung Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Kurze Geismarstr. 1 D-37073 …

Guqin Workshop

Guqin Workshop 哥廷根大学古琴清修班 古琴清修班        2016年11月25日 - 2016年11月27, KWZ 0.609 + 0.610 (報名已截止) 古琴讲座 山河逸响:民国山西琴人传 2016年11月29日,星期二, KWZ 2.739 , 18:00 – 20:00 张德恒,山西大学文学院 首届古琴清修班结业雅集 2016年12月02,星期五, KWZ 0.606 , 18:00 - 20:00   琴为华夏雅乐,历史悠久,影响深巨。琴之用,在移情淑性、澄虑净心,曲律谐和、高雅脱俗,数千年礼乐文明,数万里唐尧故地,古琴之音,绵延萦回,经久不坠。 中国山西元音琴社应哥廷根幽谷琴社,现代东亚研究中心(CeMEAS)之诚邀,将于二零一六年十一月二十五日至二十七日来访传琴授学,弘昌雅乐。此次清修班面向有志雅乐,热爱古琴艺术和中国传统文化,可无古琴或音乐基础的学员。 此次清休班授课内容包括:古琴琴史概述,识读古琴譜,右手八法,散音、泛音、按音以及初级曲目《我和你》、《静夜思》、《仙翁操》。除此之外,还对学员开设古琴相关文化课程:传统茶艺简介。 此外,山西大学文学院张德恒亦应邀于二零一六年十一月二十九日举行讲座介绍其作品:《山河逸响:民国山西琴人传》。此书收集了101位民国山西琴人的生平资料,并择取其中26位做了传记介绍,再现民国琴人雅致生活、仙骨般的精神世界。此书亦是近现代以来山西第一部古琴史著作,虽为地域性极强的山西范围,却足以展示民国时期中国琴界及琴人的状况。 最后,二零一六年十二月二日是首届古琴清修班结业雅集。 让我们在悠悠琴韵中相会,共同领略琴之雅,乐之美。     主办 Organizers: 赞助 Sponsors and Facilitators: Musikinstrumentensammlung Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Kurze Geismarstr. 1 D-37073 …