“Contemporary Theatre Arts” Seminar No. 18: Theatre as Wild Grass
ZoomSpeaker: Kai Tuchmann Time: May 17, 2023, Wednesday, CET 14:00 PM, Beijing time 20:00 PM Language: English Zoom: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/64821966382 Meeting ID: 648 2196 6382 “The past life has died. I exult over its death because from this I know that it once existed. From the clay of life abandoned on the ground grow no …
Marsianer und Mutanten: Chinesische Science-Fiction erobert den Planeten
VG 1.103Dr. Marc Hermann, Universität Bonn Datum: 25. Mai, 2023 Zeit: 16:00 - 18:00 Ort: VG 1.103 Der weltweite Erfolg von LIU Cixins Trisolaris-Trilogie hat der chinesischen Science-Fiction internationale Aufmerksamkeit beschert. Neben LIU als Galionsfigur haben sich auch jüngere Autoren wie CHEN Qiufan oder HAO Jingfang einen Namen gemacht. Was steckt hinter diesem Erfolg? Wie „chinesisch" …
Antisemitism(s) – Local to Global
VG 2.103Antisemitism(s) – Local to Global Malachi Haim Hacohen (Duke University) Date: May 25, 2023 Time: 6pm – 8pm Place: VG 2.103 Abstract: In the aftermath of the Holocaust, Antisemitism occupies a unique place among minority hatreds, weighing on historians’ conscience and challenging historical faculties. The variety, local contexts, and divergent character of antisemitism present a major …
Hybrid Maps: Reformatting the Chinese Imperial Realm According to 19th-Century Western Cartography
VG 2.1031. June, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: The definition of "The Great Qing Everlasting Unified" was frequently used in titles of general maps of the imperial realm in the beginning of the 19th century. It formally distinguishes one of the most widely known and impressive group of Chinese maps, the so-called Blue Maps and their multi-coloured congeners. This series …
Xiconomics, Dual Circulation Strategy and Western Business
ZHG 0035. June, 17:15 - 18:45 ZHG 003 Abstract: In Xi Jinping's China, national security, ideology and the political priorities of the Communist Party now play a much larger role in shaping China's economic and business environment. The context is more politicized, more uncertain. China's state media call this 'Xiconomics'. Xi's Dual Circulation Strategy marks out …
Changing Perceptions of World Order in Chinese Historiography: Three Phases of Development/C
VG 2.1038. June (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: "Changing Perceptions of World Order in Chinese Historiography: Three Phases of Development": This talk takes a longue-durée perspective to examine and analyze the modern Chinese conception of the world from the middle of the 19th century to the present. This perception has changed significantly over the course …
Vom Dichter zum Zeugen: Der Schriftsteller und Dissident Liao Yiwu
KWZ 0.60221. Juni 2023, 18 h c.t. KWZ 0.602 Der Nachwuchslyriker Liao Yiwu kam nach dem 4. Juni 1989 wegen zweier Gedichte für vier Jahre ins Gefängnis, wo er sich vom Dichter zum (Zeit) Zeugen wandelte. Danach beruflich in Schwierigkeiten, begann er, in hunderten von Interviews den Außenseitern der VR-chinesischen Gesellschaft, unter ihnen die vergessenen Opfer …
Global China Conversations #22 Deutsche Forschungskooperationen: Wissen Schaffen für oder mit China?
ZoomThema Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit China wirft zahlreiche Fragen und Herausforderungen auf. Transparenz und Offenheit bei der Zusammenarbeit, insbesondere in Bezug auf den Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Daten, sind zunächst zu beidseitigem Vorteil. Gleichzeitig aber mag es Unterschiede geben in ethischen Standards, Fragen des geistigen Eigentums und der Sicherstellung der Forschungsintegrität. Die enge Verflechtung von …
The Wandering Earth and China’s Construction of an Alternative Cosmopolitanism
VG 2.10329. June (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: As an epoch-making event in the history of the Chinese sci-fi film industry, The Wandering Earth boasts the extraordinary acting skills of cinema superstars and fabulous special effects. Instead of providing a description of the technical issues surrounding the film's production, this paper looks at the film as a …
Film Screening: Songs of Abdul
KWZ 0.610New series of film screenings - Beyond Borders: Visions of Central Asia Save the dates for our "Visions of Central Asia" series, where we delve into the landscapes, traditions, and narratives that define this diverse region. Our selection of films offers a lens into the multifaceted identities and social dynamics of Central Asia fand we …
Before China Studies: Private Foundations and Cold War Politics in Colonial Hong Kong
VG 2.1036. July (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: The founding of the University Service Centre in Hong Kong in 1963 was a significant event in the development of China studies. Thanks to the city's adjacency to mainland China and the Carnegie Corporation's funding support, the Centre since its very beginning has become the …
Confucius as a Cosmopolitan: Thought and Practice
KWZ 0.60107. July, 14:00-16:00 KWZ 0.601 Abstract: Based on the Analects and other texts related to Confucius in classical period and taken "cosmopolitanism," a concept with long history in the Western tradition as a counterpart for comparison, this talk aims to probe the thought and practice of Confucius as a cosmopolitan and point out the feature and …