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Lecture Series:Medicincal Delicatessen

Lecture Series: Medicincal Delicatessen Chinese medicine practitioners and substances in contemporary China Friday, June 7, 2013, 3 pm, KWZ, Room 0.609 Dr. Lena Springer EASTmedicine research centre, University of Westminster, London Lecture Abstract: This talk presents findings of a multi-sited ethnography based on recent fieldwork in Sichuan province, China: in a remote region and in …

The 2nd Göttingen East Asia Research Salon

The 2nd Göttingen East Asia Research Salon From Peasant to Pastor: The rural-urban transformation of Protestant  Christianity in Linyi, Shandong Province June 17, 2013, 6pm  – 8pm KWZ, Seminar Room 0.606, Heinrich – Düker – Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen Presenter: Kang Jie,  PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity …

Lecture Series: Die Kulturrevolution im Familiengedächtnis

Lecture Series Die Kulturrevolution im Familiengedächtnis Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher (Göttingen, Wien) 28. Juni 2013, 16:00 Uhr, KWZ 0.601 Beispiele aus Film, Literatur und Bildender Kunst zeigen den „langen Schatten“ der Kulturrevolution. Dieser bleibt jedoch für die Sozialwissenschaften schwer wissenschaftlich fassbar. In diesem Projekt werden daher Zeitzeugen und ihre Nachfahren in Wuhan befragt. Sie werden nicht …

Lecture Series: Hermes und Buddha in Japan

Lecture Series Hermes und Buddha in Japan PD Dr. Dr. Franz Winter (Wien) Zeit/Ort: 3. Juli 2013, 18:30 Uhr, KWZ 0.603 "Hermes und Buddha in Japan. Ein Neuzugang auf dem religiösen Markt und seine Präsentationsstrategien" Die 1986 gegründete Religionsgemeinschaft Kôfuku no kagaku, die sich international als Happy Science präsentiert, zählt zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen auf …

Göttingen Lecture Series 2013/14: Understanding China’s Global Impact

Göttingen Lecture Series 2013/14: Understanding China's Global Impact This year's lecture series deals with China's rise and the consequences for the world as well as China's homeland affairs. Thursday, 6pm, KWZ, Room 603 (602, 607) CeMEAS invited a number of experts from all over the globe to talk about China's gobal impact: 31.10.13 Prof. Bart …

Lecture Series China goes global: Reflections on the Impact of a Rising Power

Lecture Series China goes global: Reflections on the Impact of a Rising Power Thursday, October 31, 2013,  6 pm, KWZ, Room 0.603 Prof. Bart Dessein Ghent University, Belgium   Economic growth  has increasingly interconnected China with world markets, and has given it an increasing clout in global politics and governance. This rise has, however, also …

LECTURE: The African Policies of EU and People‘s Republic of China

LECTURE: The African Policies of EU and People‘s Republic of China Thursday, November 14, 2013 6 pm, KWZ, Room 0.603 Dr. Niall Duggan University of Göttingen Lecture Abstract: Both Europe and China have strong strategic interests in Africa. However, the actions of one of these two actors in Africa can often be counterproductive to the …

Lecture:Changing Cultures and Sociospatial Restructuring in Urban China: Shanghai

Lecture:Changing Cultures and Sociospatial Restructuring in Urban China: Shanghai Deljana Iossifova, University of Manchester Thursday, December 5, 2013  6 pm KWZ, Room 0.602 The talk explores closely linked processes of urban restructuring in China – rural-to-urban migration, urban redevelopment (including demolition and resettlement) and the ‘worlding’ of cities – through the lens of sanitation infrastructure …

LECTURE: U.S. Pivoting to Asia: Is there a real change in the American Foreign Policy towards China and the Asia- Pacific?

LECTURE: U.S. Pivoting to Asia: Is there a real change in the American Foreign Policy towards China and the Asia- Pacific? Marcin Grabowski, Jagiellonian University Thursday, December 12, 2013, 6 pm KWZ, Room 0.603 G.W. Bush’s policy towards Asia-Pacific region was often perceived and described as neglectful. Occupied with other regions, especially Iraq and Afghanistan, …

LECTURE: The Internationalization of China’s Uyghur Issues

LECTURE: The Internationalization of China’s Uyghur Issues Julie Yu-wen Chen, University College Cork Tuesday,  December 17,  2013 · 6 pm, KWZ,  Room 0.607 This lecture explores the operation and coalition-building of Uyghur diasporic organizations in democratic countries. Since some Uyghur organizations have been lent notable legitimacy by liberal democracies and international governmental organizations, they can …

The 3rd East Asia Research Salon

The 3rd East Asia Research Salon Special Economic Zones and the WTO Legal Implications for China’s Unitary State and the International Trade Madeleine Martinek Ph.D. Student, Chinese Law and WTO Law, Göttingen   Time, Place January 22, 2014, 5.30pm  - 7.30pm KWZ, Conference Room  0.701, Heinrich - Düker - Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen Commentators Britta …