Waiting for Testing - Rewriting Theater History Event canceled! We are very honored to invite Director TIAN Gebing and Choreographer WANG Yanan. They will host the workshop at the University of Göttingen on April 13 and 14. Amid the commonly experienced disorientation in this game-changing crisis, the workshop “Waiting for Testing – Rewriting Theatre …
Topic: Writing new plays in China and the US (and getting them produced) 在中国与美国的原创剧本写作和开发 Speaker: ZHU Yi Time: April 20, Wednesday, New York 8:00 AM, Göttingen 2:00 PM, Beijing 8:00 PM Zoom Meeting: https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/98307551103 Meeting ID: 983 0755 1103 Language: English Content Writing new plays in China and US 中美的青年编剧的写作环境 How does an aspiring young …
China's Fragmented Modernity Kai Vogelsang, Universität Hamburg April 22, 2022, 12:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Campus: KWZ 0.610 (Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. When modern concepts and institutions entered China in the early 20th century, they met a society which was …
Chinas Sozialkreditsystem: Welche Auswirkungen hat es auf deutsche Unternehmen? 28. April, 2022, 11:00 - 12:00 CET Online auf Zoom: Bitte registrieren Sie sich hier. Sprecherinnen Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer, Universität Würzburg Veronique Dunai, IHK Frankfurt am Main Dystopie eines autoritären Überwachungsstaats oder moderne Vision datenbasierter Regierungsführung? Das chinesische Sozialkreditsystem hat seit seiner offiziellen Ankündigung …
Is Modern Chinese History Secular? Rebecca Nedostup, Associate Professor of History & East Asian Studies, Brown University April 29, 2022, 4 PM, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this Zoom link. This lecture takes up the most fundamental construction of secularization – the separation of the religious realm …