Dear students, dear colleagues, we warmly invite you to join our upcoming reading group with Prof. Nellie Chu on April 13, 2023: Labour and Migration in Guangzhou. Date: April 13, 2023 Time: 1pm - 3pm Place: CeMEAS Meeting Room, KWZ 0.701 The reading group is an exclusive opportunity to delve into migration and labour research …
Precarious Accumulation: Fast Fashion Bosses in Transnational Guangzhou, China Prof. Nellie Chu, Duke Kunshan University Date: April 13, 2023 Time: 4pm - 6pm Place: KWZ 0.602 This presentation traces the emergence of migrant “bosshood” across China, West Africa, and South Korea fast fashion commodity chains in Guangzhou. It is part of a larger book project …
April 20, 2023, 11:00-12:00 > Please use our online form to submit your registration Topic There has been an increasing concern over “debt trap diplomacy” in recent years, which refers to the sustainability of African debt owed to China. Although it is unlikely that this is a deliberate strategy by the Chinese government, it is …
27.04.2023, 9:00-19:00 Seminarraum der Völkerrechtsbibliothek, 12. Stock Blauer Turm oder: ZOOM: Das Deutsch-Chinesische Institut für Rechtswissenschaften in Göttingen organisiert am 27.04. eine hybride Veranstaltung in Göttingen mit dem Titel "Junges Forum zum chinesischen Recht", bei dem Studieninteressierte die Möglichkeit haben, sich über den Masterstudiengang umfassend zu informieren. Die Veranstaltung findet an der Universität Göttingen und …