The Department of Turkology and Central Asian Studies will host a lecture series titled "Language Contact in Eurasia" during the autumn semester of 2023-2024. This series will feature eight lectures by leading scholars on prehistoric and historical contact between various languages or language families spoken in Eurasia and adjacent regions. The programme for the lectures scheduled …
Topic Security concerns have become a priority issue for many countries around the world. In China, this has manifested itself in a “holistic view of national security”—a phrase now directly invoked in the new Anti-Espionage Law that encompasses a broad understanding of national security and emphasizes vigilance against security risks in all areas. The Anti-Espionage …
4. Dec. (Monday), 17:15 - 18:45 Theologicum (Theol) 0.135 Abstract: The rise of the history of emotions has been a recent development in historiography. In the field of Chinese studies, scholars such as Eugenia Lean, Haiyan Lee, Chen Li, and Zuo Ya have been writing about how emotions, feelings, and sentiments contributed to the formation and transformation …
Thema Die Zukunft der globalen Wirtschaft wird maßgeblich vom Wettbewerb um Technologiestandards geprägt. Chinas Einfluss bei der Festlegung von globalen Technologiestandards ist zu einem bedeutenden Faktor geworden. Innerhalb verschiedener internationaler Gremien verstärkt China seine Präsenz und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gestaltung von Standards für wegweisende Technologien. Der Plan „China Standards 2035“ ist ein …
The Department of Turkology and Central Asian Studies will host a lecture series titled "Language Contact in Eurasia" during the autumn semester of 2023-2024. This series will feature seven lectures by leading scholars on prehistoric and historical contact between various languages or language families spoken in Eurasia and adjacent regions. All interested are invited. Participation …
Was wäre, wenn es zu einem Handelskonflikt mit China käme? Der EU-China Gipfel vor einigen Tagen und Analysen von MERICS zur Entwicklung der Wirtschaftspolitik in China legen nahe, dass sich Spannungen in den Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der EU und China eher verschärfen werden. Eine neue Analyse des IfW Kiel ergibt, dass in einem Szenario abgeschotteter Handelsblöcke …
Announcement: Due to medical reasons, the lecture has to be canceled. We will reschedule it for early next year. Abstract: At the turn of the twentieth century, radical utopian communities were built all around the world. They served as retreats, but they simultaneously constituted hubs for activists, reformers, and revolutionaries to meet, share, …