Latest Past Events
Guest Lecture: Floating Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors in North China Plain
KWZ Heinrich Düker Weg 14, 37073 GöttingenGuest Lecture Floating Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors in North China Plain: Boat-dwelling Fisherpeople's Mobile Pantheon and Ancestral Hall Friday July 8, 2016 · 2 pm (c.t.) · KWZ 0.610 Ching-chih Lin Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University This talk focuses on how environmental change transformed the religious culture by examining the floating community of …
Guest Lecture: Floating Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors in North China Plain
KWZ Heinrich Düker Weg 14, 37073 GöttingenGuest Lecture Floating Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors in North China Plain: Boat-dwelling Fisherpeople's Mobile Pantheon and Ancestral Hall Friday July 8, 2016 · 2 pm (c.t.) · KWZ 0.610 Ching-chih Lin Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University This talk focuses on how environmental change transformed the religious culture by examining the floating community of …
Gastvortrag: Ein Postkolonialer Denker avant la lettre? Takeuchi Yoshimi, sein Asianismus und die Kritik an der Moderne
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (KWZ)Gastvortrag Ein Postkolonialer Denker avant la lettre? Takeuchi Yoshimi, sein Asianismus und die Kritik an der Moderne Thursday July 7, 2016 · 6 pm (c.t.) · KWZ 3.701 Prof. Viren Murthy, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison In den 1980er Jahren begann eine zentrale Auseinandersetzung zwischen Marxisten und postkolonialen Theoretikern. Letztere kritisierten den Marxismus als …