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Lecture: Prof. Mei Li Inouye (Stanford University): Soviet Dramatic Theory on a Shanghai Stage: Stanislavski, Zhang Min, and the Shanghai Amateur Dramatist Association

Soviet Dramatic Theory on a Shanghai Stage: Stanislavski, Zhang Min, and the Shanghai Amateur Dramatist Association   Time: January, 27 from 4-6 pm Venue: KWZ 1.601 Abstract:​ References to Stanislavski are commonplace in the historiography of Chinese socialist theater and cinema. Scholars have largely focused on translations of Stanislavski into Chinese as the starting point for …

Global China Conversations #36 Dealing with Local Government Debt: Can China Learn from the Euro Crisis?

Dealing with Local Government Debt: Can China Learn from the Euro Crisis?   Time: November 25, 2024, 11:00-12:00 location: Online on Zoom – Registration   China's local governments are facing an escalating debt crisis, with some provinces, like Guizhou, reaching debt-to-GDP ratios as high as 150%—levels comparable to Greece during the European debt crisis. While …

Dr. Austin Strange: The Political Logics of Chinese Global Infrastructure

ZHG 004

The Political Logics of Chinese Global Infrastructure Date: November 11, 2024, 18:00-19:30 Location:  ZHG 004 Abstract: Infrastructure is a major component of China's presence in global development and is also central to larger debates about China’s evolving roles in the world economy and international politics. This talk will present a comprehensive account of major, Chinese government-financed …