OAS Film Cycle:
Periphery at the Centre: China’ s Borders and Frontiers
Lecturer: Katja Pessl
Wednesday, 6pm (c.t.) , KWZ 1.731
01.11.2017 Dooman River (2010)
15.11.2017 The Last Moose of Aoluguya 犴达罕 (2013)
29.11.2017 Paths of the Soul 冈仁波齐 (2015)
13.12.2017 Warriors Of The Rainbow: Seediq Bale 賽德克·巴萊 (2011)
10.01.2018 Three Sisters 三姊妹 (2012)
24.01.2018 No man’s land 无人区 (2013)